It's Time for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income!

My team and I have been working alongside basic income supporters, anti-poverty organizations, disability rights organizations, unions, Indigenous peoples, and seniors advocates to put a guaranteed livable basic income (GLBI) at the front of the poverty elimination conversation.

In August 2020, I introduced Motion-46 (M-46) in the House of Commons for the establishment of a GLBI. 

The campaign for M-46 gathered 45,000 signatures across the country and mobilized thousands of people around a very clear ask: to ensure the human rights and dignity of all.

I am so encouraged by the strength of our movement, and the collective will to end poverty in this country. We must move towards a future where all people living in Canada can do so with dignity, security and human rights. This future is possible, it is simply a political choice.

We must legislate a long-term and permanent plan that prioritizes people over corporations -- It is time that the rich pay their fair share, and that everyone has access to housing, health care, and a livable income.

That is why on December 16th, 2021, I introduced Private Member’s Bill C-223, titled: National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income Act. 

The bill proposed a GLBI for all people living in Canada over the age of 17, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Recipients would not be required to participate in education, training, or the labour market in order to qualify and the benefit would not result in decreased services or benefits that support individuals exceptional health or disability needs. The bill would require the government to determine what constitutes a livable income for each region in Canada, to account for cost of living differences, and would require the establishment of necessary health and social supports to complement the implementation of a GLBI.

Unfortunately, in September 2024, Bill C-223 was defeated at second reading. The good news is that Senator Kim Pate’s Bill S-233, an identical piece of legislation to Bill C-223, is still before the Senate. If this bill passes through the Senate, the House of Commons will have a chance to consider it again.

If you are interested in supporting guaranteed, livable basic income please consider working with on of our partner organizations featured below.

Together, we can eradicate poverty in Canada.

In solidarity,

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