Statement from Leah Gazan on Motion 46

I know many people are disappointed about the outcome of the motion today. I want you to know that I am committed to continue fighting until we realize a guaranteed livable basic income for all in Canada.  Change is sometimes difficult and takes time—I am excited to continue working alongside the movement to keep our momentum going. This is not hopeless. In fact, I believe that this is just the beginning and we must continue to fight!


There is no reason why anyone living in Canada should be destined for a life of poverty. This is especially the case, given that we continue to witness billions of dollars gifted by the current Liberal government to subsidize corporations, including $18 billion in the past year to big oil and gas. This government has also failed to go after offshore tax havens and companies like Loblaws who have profiteered off of people’s suffering during the pandemic and have cut pandemic pay for frontline workers.


The pandemic has only made the dire situation of poverty for individuals, children and families in Canada worse. We must prioritize people and the collective wellbeing of our communities over corporate privilege.  We must move towards a future where all people in Canada can live with dignity, security and human rights. This future is possible, it is simply a political choice.


I am so encouraged by how the power of our collective voices is pushing forward the discussion of a guaranteed livable basic income as a real possibility to end poverty in Canada. This is a matter of human rights.  So let us dust ourselves off.  Tomorrow is a new day and we will continue to breathe life into our movement. Are you with me? We shall persevere and realize a guaranteed income for all!

Claire Johnston

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