50th Anniversary of Earth Day: Bill C-232 guarantees all Canadians the Right to a Clean, Safe, Healthy Environment as a Human Right

“It’s time for Canada to respect a clean, safe and healthy environment as a human right,” said Gazan. “We need a just transition into a green economy that brings workers along. This needs to happen by respecting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework.”

Bill C-232 calls on the government to take all measures necessary to support green alternatives. The NDP has been pushing for moving away from fossil fuel subsidies and invest instead into a green economy that brings workers along.

“We need a bold climate action plan that will allow us in meeting climate targets by 2030,” said Gazan. “This is what the government agreed to in the Paris Agreement in 2016. We must honour and respect agreements made with the international community and do our part to fight against the climate emergency.”

Claire Johnston

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