Let's take profits out of long-term care and implement a Care Guarantee

“The Liberal government’s failure to fix the problems taking place at for-profit long-term cares homes across this country has lead to unforgivable pain felt by residents and staff at these institutions,” said Gazan. “The Prime Minister has chosen to prioritize the profits of big corporations and their wealthy shareholders over the lives of Canadian seniors and frontline workers.”

Decades of Conservative and Liberal cuts crippled our health care system and while he claimed to be different, Justin Trudeau maintained Conservative cuts to health care transfers.

The NDP has a plan to fix this broken long-term care system and implement a Care Guarantee with a commitment to our loved ones that they will have safety, a commitment to families that they can count on their loved ones receiving the care they deserve, and a commitment to workers who care for our loved ones. With this plan, the NDP will also take profit out of long-term care.

“No one should have to go through what long-term care residents, their families, and staff in these homes have been put through,” added Gazan. “We need a government on the side of seniors, their families, and frontline health care workers – instead of on the side of wealthy investors. The NDP will continue to fight to make sure people are ahead of profits.”

Claire Johnston

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