MP Gazan to attend #JusticeForEishia - Not Another Indigenous Life Peaceful Rally

“As we have all witnessed in the news the police brutality is all too common against Indigenous and Black lives,” said Gazan. “I am beyond saddened that since April, three Indigenous people were shot and killed by police, and that the Winnipeg Police Board found the Winnipeg Police Services guilty of a series of human rights violations this June.”
“We must ensure that all persons are afforded the right to life, liberty, and security of the person as stipulated in the Canadian Charter,” said Gazan. “Now is the time to speak out against grotesque acts of systemic violence and join to rebuild systems that support healthy communities.”

Gazan will be attending the rally on Friday. The event is organized by the family of Eishia Hudson, who was shot by the Winnipeg Police Service on April 9. She was only 16 years old at the time.

Claire Johnston

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